link to Illusive


Illusive by MELISSA COOK When you write of - pure silence - devouring my lips. ..I stand within naked flames like -- Japanese lanterns; Suspended and insecure to each verse you scrawl upon...

link to Melas Oneiros

Melas Oneiros

Melas Oneiros by MELISSA COOK They tore my wings like zephyr -and I; I sat upon that one abstract oleander.. Disorientated between the cold air and a stale dream catcher; whos webs...

link to Benighted Conscience

Benighted Conscience

Benighted Conscience by MELISSA COOK To the sun, I apologize; for the moon, has my heart. Like the porcelain leaves 'neath you - I tumble. Vulnerable to each mask you gracefully drift my...

link to Self Placatory

Self Placatory

Self Placatory by CASSIDY TORRANCE Waiting behind the door for too long to hear you breathing on the other side hoping that you would anytime now knock (and I would answer) but nothing...