link to An Angel’s Gift

An Angel’s Gift

An Angel's Gift by e. GENE MYERS I felt the universe blink one day and for immeasurable instant, time was nonexistent. Omnipotent answers to all questions unveiled themselves before my eyes and...

link to Permission to Cry

Permission to Cry

Permission to Cry by e. GENE MYERS Why are men afraid to show emotions in life that help them grow? Is it so awful to let be seen emotions of love from behind a screen? Behind a screen … not...

link to Santa’s Prayer

Santa’s Prayer

Santa's Prayer by e. GENE MYERS  Father,                                                      Please help me keep a humble heart with...

link to The Sad Café

The Sad Café

The Sad Café by NEMA SAEED A mug lies before you filled with coffee flavored with pain, Steam of rejection all set on a table of fire. Hands that burn attempting to write empty thoughts, on...