Vergissmeinnicht by T. MORGAN Don't forget to sing though the sun won't rise, One man against a beast with a thousand eyes, Choke through the snake wrapped around your...
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The Dreamer by T. MORGAN I was conceived in A flurry of paper and ink A whisper in a room stained with screams I was born in A time of feather and fin Or a time where man makes man I was...
Shall We Believe Again? by T. MORGAN Lost connection, Grey flesh, concrete, No more signs on neon pavements, Painted the sky blue for pittance, Buttons sewing silk to fool's gold, Nickel soul...
Lonely World by MYRYN VILLAFLOR As geniuses design, my destiny's canvas, requiem of sanity - stirs a sullen howl. Floating in the shadows of forever dusk; mysteries unmasked, I'm but a...
A Lovers Orbit by INDIA THOMAS Nothing pulls like a lovers spinning orbit astonished at the swirling moondust Trying not to get so lost in the shadows haze sky paper mixed with the...
Hold My Hand by INGRID de KLERCK Hold my hand and baby come to me I want you to know I gave you all of me I will be here for you always and forever don't ask me to leave for I will forsake...