Time Part 5
I no longer want to be concious of my existence
And I understand, because of the outlook of this writing
This piece will be ridiculed and demoralized
But I simply realized my own individual truth
There is no difference between 5 minutes
And 50 years
This is an idea found by human thought
As time is
It is an idea
It is numberless
We try to contain it with dates, clocks, and watches
But it is endless and eternal
And we are trapped in it
A writer knowing his breaths will not be missed
Nor any human breath
The average lifespan of a human is 67.2 years
And of a mammal species as a whole
1,000,000 years
I am manipulating language to form a philosphicle case
That will be dismissed by others as the agitations of an angry, immature child
(C) Copyright Jeremiah Walton