Caramelized Skin
by JOSEPH BRYANT (Italian Stallion)
Disguised, I hide deep inside my tough crunchy skin. Silverized rings embrace my body, telling a story for all to see.
Peel my outer sun-burned layers off and reveal my inner lightened skin. Rub oils upon my surface till my skin absorbs it, then bask me in the heat once again. Tan my skin, not burn – then rub more oils to increase the color when surrounded by warm merciful sentiments.
What am I?
Eat me raw, or eat me cooked, either way I’m bitter-sweet. I’ll make you cry, I’ll make you smile, it’s your choice all the while. I’m tough, but bruise easily. Layer by layer you can peel me away to nothing. My core is the heart, which gives me life, my core is the seed, which will reproduce.
What am I?
What am I?
Disguised no longer, I revealed my inner self.
© Copyright 2009 By: Italian Stallion